An alcohol burner is a piece of equipment for your lab to produce an open flame. They are a widely used affordable alternative to a Bunsen burner that don’t require any complicated or expensive set ups.
These use clean burning alcohols such as denatured alcohol, methanol, or isopropanol. These fuels can typically be found at hardware stores.
Flames typically burn at 5cm height and at a lower temperature as bunsen burners, due to the nature of the fuels used, but are considered much safer and cost effective.
While the flames produced aren’t as hot as Bunsen burners, and they don’t serve as a means of completely replacing heating mantles and hot plates, they are sufficiently hot for sterilization, microbiology procedures and a lot of chemistry applications.
They can also serve as a neat old fashioned lamp (if a little whiffy).
– 250ml Capacity
– Ceramic Wick Holder
– Plastic snuff cap
– Basic wick included, though we recommend upgrading to a more efficient wick(which we also happen to supply)
– Fuel sold separately, available form most hardware stores.
Keywords: Boro, Borosilicate, Glass, Glassware, Lab, Labware, ware, Laboratory, Tool, Tools, labtool, labtools, burn, hot plate, hotplate