A Buchner funnel (Büchner funnel) is a funnel used in laboratory settings for filtration. Typically they are created from porcelain, but are also available in glass and occasionally in plastic.
Inside the funnel end of there is a perforated porcelain plate (or fritted glass in the case of glass funnels). This is used to support a filter, such as a whatman filter which then is used to filter out particulate and sediments from liquid poured into the top. The stem at the bottom of the funnel can be placed into a receiving vessel to receive the filtrate.
Often times Buchner funnels are used in conjunction with filter flasks and an aspirator pump in order to draw the liquid through the funnel faster, rather than relying on gravity to do the work, which accelerates the filtration process by several orders of magnitude.
– Made of porcelain
– Available in multiple sizes
Keywords: Boro, Borosilicate, Glass, Glassware, Lab, Labware, ware, Laboratory, Tool, Tools, labtool, labtools