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Clevenger (Oil Determination Apparatus)

24/29 Jointed Clevenger. With return tube for water heavier than oil.

$79.95 inc. GST

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A clevenger is used for the separation of water from oils in the distillation process. It is an especially important piece of equipment for the production of essential oils.

It consists of 3 main components, the jointed arm which collects the distillate, a jointed top, where a condenser is connected, and a main chamber with a stop cock and a side arm.

This side arm returns water back to the distillation chamber which is pushed down by the oil content, or alternatively can be drained off via the stopcock.

The graduated markings on the side allow you to determine how much of your distillate is oil vs water content.

One main disadvantage is that the oil must be lighter than the water in order to be properly effective -this is the case in many oils but may not always prove true.

A huge advantage of this device is that is does not require any solvents – other than water/steam. This process is known as hydrodistillation.

A round or flat bottom flask is recommended to heat your solution in and connect to the Clevenger.

A Soxhlet apparatus can also be used as an alternative or to preprocess your material.

Clevenger Specifications:

– Made of Borosilicate 3.3 Glass
– 95mm between inlet and outlet Tubing
– 130 * 30mm glass tube on outlet side
– 10mm outlet tube with ground glass stopcock
– 24/29 ground glass taper outer joint for fitting condensers.
– 24/29 Ground Glass Taper Inner Joint for fitting flasks

Note: Appearance may vary slightly depending on supplier.

Keywords: Boro, Borosilicate, Glass, Glassware, Lab, Labware, ware, Laboratory, Tool, Tools, labtool, labtools, adaptor, claisen, distilling, distillation, reciever